Jeff Ginter is the General Manager of Choura, a company hired by promoters of live events to design and build temporary infrastructure required to activate outside. Now in his eighth year at the company, he’s served in different roles. There’d be nobody better to give a perspective on the science behind moving rentable assets in the world of live events.
Prior to joining Choura, Jeff spent five years with AEG on the venue side and bounced around various freelance contracted positions reaffirming his stance that consistent collaboration is the key to loving what you do.
A SoCal native with a midwest persona, Jeff has found his way by adapting himself to the needs of the people that surround him. He’s found a niche by gaining the trust of the front-line staff and has spent countless hours on jobsites and inside the warehouse understanding the critical tasks of his teams.
Jeff is looking forward to openly discussing the challenges and successes he’s experienced in building a team that is equipped to think differently in this ever-changing industry.
Early Registration
July 16th 2024
Regular Registration
October 1st 2024
Late Registration
October 31st 2024
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