Dawn is obsessed with bright colors, vintage details, fun patterns, and all things shiny (especially shoes). She is a true child of the summer and relishes every second on the beach. The Four Tops and Fleetwood Mac playlists are her jams on repeat (and 90s rap). When she’s not sourcing and designing inventory for Something Vintage Rentals, she’s a wanna be power-lifter, loves to garden, and can’t say no to a good slice(s) of pizza.
She is the mom to her two children, Hank and June, and wife to the amazing Zach, who tolerates all her crazy and surprised her with her dream of 5 backyard chickens for her birthday.
Her mission is to spread joy and create fun for her family and clients–whether it’s through Something Vintage’s inventory or her year-round aluminum Christmas tree she and her kids decorate for each season. After a career as a terrorism analyst, she decided collecting amazing vintage wares was much more fun and Something Vintage was born.
Early Registration
July 16th 2024
Regular Registration
October 2nd 2024
Late Registration
November 8th 2024
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